Manufacturing Day Looks to the Future
We read with interest a recent post on about Manufacturing Day (which was Friday, Oct. 2.)
The part that caught our attention was this quote:
“Perhaps the most pressing challenge facing manufacturers in the US is the growing skills gap. Experts project that over the next 10 years nearly 3.5 million manufacturing jobs will be needed. However, because of the ongoing shortage of qualified workers, up to 2 million of these jobs may go unfilled.”
We learned that six out of 10 production jobs remain open because of the talent shortage, according to a recent study by The Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte.
At UCEC, we are a part of the American Manufacturing Renaissance. We offer an apprentice-style program to train our new craftsman. You may have read Friday's post that showed interested applicants how to join the team. Or perhaps you read VP of Business Operations Evan Coulter's post, "We [Heart] Shop Class."
These steps are a small part in the big picture of American manufacturing, but they mean everything to UCEC. We are a place where talent is developed and skills are enhanced. Thank you for your trust in our shop. We're here because of you.