What's Your Focus?

By Mark Inboden

When all is said and done, more is said than done.
— Vince Lombardi

I recently came across a book that I had read and used in my former life as an Operations Manager for a mutual fund company. The book, Results Based Leadership by Dave Ulrich, Jack Zenger and Norm Smallwood, had a profound impact on me. 

The premise of the book is that Effective Leadership = Attributes and Results. I was reminded that we all possess many attributes (knowledge, expertise, habits) but we sometimes aren’t clear in what we want accomplished (results).

A great coach like Lombardi used football practice (process) to win (result) football games. Suffice it to say, sometimes managers get caught up in a cycle of “process” and not “results." Sometimes we get busy “doing” instead of “completing."

Looking through Results Based Leadership, I came across some notes about a pilot program that had I co-developed with one of my managers and one of the trainers in human resources. We wanted our managers to demonstrate “results-first principles."

Of course, every organization is different; some manufacture things; others are service providers, but they all should have a primary focus on results, rather than processes.

Results are first and foremost at UCEC. Our commitment to get your project completed and shipped on time is paramount. We try and deliver a “no bureaucracy” experience for our customers. Our highly-skilled craftsmen consistently deliver exceptional service, design, quality and value (attributes) that (result) in clean, exact, nice-looking panels to your specifications. We are focused on results

For more information on the book I referenced above, check it out here

Mark is President and CEO of UCEC.


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